Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How would I benefit from coaching?

Did you see my offer for “pay what you can” coaching and wonder how coaching could help you?  I thought I’d provide you with some details around what coaching is and how you will benefit from the experience.

Who is coaching for?

Self-motivated seekers ready for change.

Why would I hire a coach?

You yearn for transformation.  Life is going along “fine”, but you have a nagging, inner feeling of untapped potential.  Maybe you want inner-peace and confidence to be a more present and inspired mother.  Maybe you are a closet entrepreneur with a big dream.  Maybe it’s a career change your ready for, or you want to go back to work.   Maybe you want to actively pursue your passion for feeding the world.  The scenarios are limitless, but the call for transformation is consistent.

How does it work?
A coaching relationship is a partnership.  You bring your goals, your style, your frustrations, your longings.  I bring my curiosity, active listening skills, and a safe space to inspire your trust, awareness, and clarity.  As you deepen your understanding of yourself, you’ll see change happen naturally.  

Most coaching is done over the phone.  After an initial 2-hour Discovery Session, we’ll meet for 30 minutes a week for 12 weeks.

Why does it work?
I help you reconnect to yourself.  You know how in every personal growth quote or book you read it tells you that YOU possess all the answers.  You wonder what the hell they’re talking about because you often feel at a total loss.  I will help you uncover your answers by re-connecting to your values, passions, and purpose.  As you remember who you TRULY are, your life will start to bloom and actualization occurs.

Please email me if you have any questions or thoughts around coaching

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