Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How would I benefit from coaching?

Did you see my offer for “pay what you can” coaching and wonder how coaching could help you?  I thought I’d provide you with some details around what coaching is and how you will benefit from the experience.

Who is coaching for?

Self-motivated seekers ready for change.

Why would I hire a coach?

You yearn for transformation.  Life is going along “fine”, but you have a nagging, inner feeling of untapped potential.  Maybe you want inner-peace and confidence to be a more present and inspired mother.  Maybe you are a closet entrepreneur with a big dream.  Maybe it’s a career change your ready for, or you want to go back to work.   Maybe you want to actively pursue your passion for feeding the world.  The scenarios are limitless, but the call for transformation is consistent.

How does it work?
A coaching relationship is a partnership.  You bring your goals, your style, your frustrations, your longings.  I bring my curiosity, active listening skills, and a safe space to inspire your trust, awareness, and clarity.  As you deepen your understanding of yourself, you’ll see change happen naturally.  

Most coaching is done over the phone.  After an initial 2-hour Discovery Session, we’ll meet for 30 minutes a week for 12 weeks.

Why does it work?
I help you reconnect to yourself.  You know how in every personal growth quote or book you read it tells you that YOU possess all the answers.  You wonder what the hell they’re talking about because you often feel at a total loss.  I will help you uncover your answers by re-connecting to your values, passions, and purpose.  As you remember who you TRULY are, your life will start to bloom and actualization occurs.

Please email me if you have any questions or thoughts around coaching

Monday, July 9, 2012

They key to Purpose-what brings you joy?

            I’ve been thinking about the concept of Life Purpose.   Finding your purpose and passion is constantly lauded as the keys to finding happiness and success.  While this is absolutely true, it’s turned into another stressful goal we strive for and are frustrated when we can’t find.  The thing is, we’re trying too hard.    Your purpose is simply to become yourself.  As Danielle LaPorte explains in the Fire Starter Sessions “realizing what lights your fire and floats your boat…if it gives you true joy then that’s your life purpose.”  So take some time and look inward.

What do you love? 
When do you feel inspired?
What activities make you loose track of time?
What feels easy?
When do you feel like you’ve really made a difference?

            Don’t think too hard! Write down the first answer that comes to mind, even if it seems trivial and ridiculous.  Your intuitive self has a wisdom your logical mind lacks.  If you’re still struggling, try to remember what you enjoyed as a kid.
When I first started the coaching process, these questions were hard for me to answer.  I hadn’t thought about what lit my fire for years and some of my answers seemed unimportant and silly.   I found that connecting to my passions, however, led me right back to my authentic self and from here possibilities and purpose naturally emerged.
You may have more than one Life Purpose. Until recently I held this limiting belief that I had only one purpose and that was to be a mother.  Part of me thought that by becoming a Coach I was some how betraying my purpose as mother.  I now see myself as having a dual purpose as a mother AND as a coach to other mother’s looking for re-invention.  The two roles mutually inspire and support each other.  Both are essential to my happiness. 

"Pay what you can" Coaching

            Don’t you hate sleepless nights? I’ve recently experienced a number of them.   Three of my four children were out of town with their grandparents for several weeks.  I coveted the extra time to work on my coaching business.  Great opportunity, right?  Unfortunately, I became mired in all my options, not sure which way to turn or where to focus.  I would head to bed and then wake at 3:00 M with my mind churning.  Blog post ideas, changes to my website content, workshops, what was I going to do to take myself to the next level?
Luckily, I just hired a great coach.  Before our last session I filled out my update form listing the 8 different directions in which I was being pulled and asked for HELP.  I needed a plan of action.
            I dragged myself out of bed the morning of our call, exhausted, with a headache and the feeling of spinning in circles.  I got on the phone and started lamenting.   My coach asked one question that stopped the crazies “which of the things on this list speak to your heart?”  Ka-boom!  My energy shifted and I began working from my heart space instead of my headspace.  My heart is infinitely wise, intuitive and, most importantly, compassionate to me.  Once I was working from my heart I gained clarity and, yes, a plan of action emerged!
            Want to know what my heart told me?  I need to coach.  I am spending too much time planning and strategizing and what my heart yearns for, and what supports me in my business, is the connection and inspiration I find in serving other women.  So in service to you, and myself, I am opening up a few spaces in my practice on a “pay what you can” basis.  I’m trusting you to define what this means for you.  Boy, do I know that times are tough and mamas don’t like spending money on themselves, but you are worth it.  “Pay what you can” gives you some space to come up with an amount that feels good to you and fits in your budget. 

Here are some testimonials from women who have worked with me.

“Anne Pillsbury was born to be a life coach—she is incredibly wise, intuitive, compassionate, and inspiring.  She truly GETS it (as a wife, a mother, a friend, and a seeker): how complicated it is for women of our generation to balance modern life with our own nagging sense of un-tapped potential…After only a couple of sessions with her, I was motivated to take a quantum leap towards investing in me and jumpstarting my career after 14 years as a stay-at-home mom.” SF, mother to three

Working with Anne over the past several months has been a wonderful experience.  She has helped me clarify my goals, have more faith in my own decision-making, and clear away the mental clutter that keeps me from getting things done.  She calls me out when I am causing unnecessary drama in my life, and guides me back on track.  It is enormously helpful to have someone to be accountable to each week, who is uniquely capable of being an unbiased observer and totally invested in your success all at once.  Without Anne’s help through this process, I would not have been able to define my intentions so clearly, and actually see them manifest.  It’s been amazing! DH, mother to 2

“Anne…has the profound ability to ask the questions that have led me to some great AH HA! moments. It's been like a puzzle piece finally fitting into place for me. I crave my weekly sessions with her and I strongly urge anyone who is frustrated with any aspect of their life to work with Anne. I feel working with Anne has propelled me by leaps and bounds in a very personal, intimate and empowering way. She is gentle, non-judgmental, and keenly aware.” AM, mother to 3

Shoot me an email at if you’re ready to create lasting change and we can talk.  Don’t delay because this offer expires on Wednesday, July 18th.  To keep updated on my offerings please like Anne Pillsbury Coaching on Facebook. 

Here’s to summer and self care!  (So thrilled summer has finally arrived here in Seattle!)