Monday, April 23, 2012

“Only when we brave the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” Brené Brown

           I’ve been in the dark.  Cocooned within myself, slowly metamorphosing. My world unalterably crumbled and, in response, I was forced to rebuild.  It was painful and lonely AND it was a brilliant opportunity for re-invention.  I spent several years flashlight in hand illuminating the hidden parts of my soul, discovering who I am at my essence.  I connected to what I hold dear and created a new vision and purpose for myself. 
            Recently, I noticed a shift within me.  I am being drawn to the light.  My soul literally craves it, the warmth of the sun on my face.  I feel the expansiveness of spring within me.  I connect to the incredible possibility contained in the tender, emerging shoots.  The brightness of their color, their vulnerability, strength and power as they quietly emerge from the rich, black earth.  The dark dirt has sustained them, yet it’s the light that brings them forth. 
I have braved the darkness and now the infinite power of the light, or more specifically my light, is pulling me forward.  It feels greater than me.  It’s scary, and I don’t feel ready, but I choose to trust and allow myself to slowly be pulled towards it.

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