Monday, April 16, 2012

            Hello and welcome to my blog!  It’s taken a long time for me to muster up the courage to actually post something here.  This beautiful template was created for me months ago (thank you Rebekah J Designs) and has sat here blank while my inner critic ate me alive. I don’t have time to write.  Is my entry worthy? Will others find the information useful?  These are just a few of the comments rolling in my head.  So, today, I decided to boldly tell my critic to knock it off, and I am going to blog.
            I am a mother of four, a wife, a daughter, a friend and most recently I added Life Coach to my list of roles.  A little over a year ago I received a calling to serve women through coaching.  Everyday I witness brilliant women undermining themselves through unrealistic expectations.  It doesn’t matter if she is a stay-at-home mom or a successful businesswoman the story is consistent.  Instead of celebrating our successes women consistently call out where we perceive failure.  If I was a better Mom.  If I were a size 2.  I should have cooked homemade brownies.  I should be working longer hours. You know the drill.  This coat of shame leaves us stressed, exhausted and unavailable to others and ourselves.
Through coaching I hope to change this paradigm one woman at a time, starting with myself.  I am experiencing powerful personal transformation through courageous self-love.  Being compassionate to myself feels clumsy and unknown, AND I know it is central to happiness and personal power so I keep practicing.  I am finding my feminine voice and I want to share my insights here with you. I look forward to building a community of like-minded, compassionate women, ready to play big in their lives.  Cheers!

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